Monday 3 December 2007

Once Again

And once again I look upon my car that has died
I'm stuck here in my home now 'cause it's broken inside
Once again I'm ticked off
Once again I pour out my cash

Just like Isaiah sang about his beloved's fruitless vineyard, I'm thinking up little ditties about my woeful wheels!

Yep... it's happened again! Okay, it does still drive at the moment, but there's definitely something wrong. Sunday I went down to the beach and it was fine. Sunday I left the beach and my gear stick is all stiff when moving through the gate (e.g. it doesn't snap back into centre). It was a bit like that when I first got the car back after gearbox repairs, and now it's doing it again! It's due to be looked at tomorrow anyway for this slight remnant oil leak, but now I think they'll add this to the list! I showed the dealer this problem today and he said if it is a return of gearbox woes the repairs are covered for a year and he will be able to get it sorted. The possibility exists, as it does still actually go into gear okay, that it's not low gearbox oil, but actually the bushes on the gear linkage - which is fairly minor to fix. We'll soon see tomorrow though.

In any case I said to the dealer that it would be a lot better that he just give me another car of similar value rather than me returning this one, waiting for another two weeks to have it fixed, etc. He could then fix it and sell it on at his own leisure.... probably with a lot more available channels than me. He didn't seem to have any real objection to the idea in theory, so maybe this will be the best way for me to change my car after all.

I'd of course appreciate you all praying for me that I can just get a car that will allow me to get on with what I came here to do, not chase incidental things like this.

Also, feel free to submit any other verses to the song, or other humourous compositions!

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